The Real Jesus: The Truth Behind the Portraits
Who was Jesus? For centuries artists have imagined Jesus’ appearance - none of them had seen him. Church buildings of antiquity; paintings in art galleries offer a myriad of faces, but none can claim authenticity. The Bible, however, paints a multifaceted portrait of Jesus that transcends artistic invention. Join us as we explore the Scriptures to discover His divine nature, His perfect humanity, and the profound impact of His life, death, and resurrection. This is a journey of discovery with eternal implications.
The Worthiness of Jesus
The Apostle John, exiled on the isle of Patmos, was granted a vision of breathtaking grandeur, a glimpse into the very throne room of heaven. Before him unfolded a scene of cosmic significance: a scroll, sealed with seven seals, containing the mysteries of God's plan for the ages. A mighty angel, his voice echoing through the celestial courts, proclaimed a challenge: "Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?"
Silence fell upon the heavenly host. Not one angel, not one creature in all creation, was found worthy to unveil the divine secrets. A wave of despair threatened to engulf John's vision, until a voice rang out, declaring the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, had prevailed! Expectation surged – John braced himself to behold a majestic lion, roaring with power and might.

But what he saw instead took his breath away. Before him stood a Lamb, seemingly slain, bearing the marks of sacrifice and suffering. This unexpected image, laden with profound symbolism, pierced the veil of John's understanding. Here was the conquering Lion, the King of kings, revealed as the sacrificial Lamb, slain for the sins of the world. In this single, stunning vision, the paradox of Christ was unveiled: He is both the triumphant victor and the suffering servant, the Lion who conquers through the sacrifice of the Lamb.
His Divine Nature The Lion of Judah, a Majestic figure symbolizing Christ's regal authority, embodies His unyielding power to vanquish the clutches of sin and death. With a roar that echoes through eternity, He stands as the triumphant victor, the King of kings, whose reign knows no end.
His Perfect Humanity The Slain Lamb, a poignant image of Christ's sacrificial offering, reflects His boundless love and compassion. In a selfless act of surrender, He willingly laid down His life, a spotless sacrifice, to redeem fallen humanity and bridge the chasm between heaven and earth. His blood, shed for the forgiveness of sins, washes over those who believe, cleansing and restoring them to a right relationship with God.

Four viewpoints
The four Gospels, each a unique tapestry woven from the threads of personal experience and divine inspiration, offer multifaceted perspectives on the life and ministry of Jesus.
Matthew: Presents Jesus as the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, meticulously tracing His lineage back to Abraham and David, emphasizing His role as the long-awaited Messiah, the King of the Jews.
Mark: Portrays Jesus as a dynamic miracle worker, captivating audiences with His authority over nature, disease, and even death itself, highlighting the raw power of His ministry and the urgency of His message.
Luke: Focuses on Jesus' boundless compassion, extending His grace to all people, including the marginalized and outcasts, particularly the Gentiles, and showcasing His role as a masterful teacher who conveyed profound truths through captivating parables.
John: Provides a deeply theological portrait of Jesus, revealing Him as the eternal Word made flesh, the Son of God, the very source of truth and life, illuminating His divine nature and His unique relationship with the Father.
Beyond these distinct perspectives, the Gospels also capture the kaleidoscope of human responses to Jesus. From the shepherds' awestruck wonder at His humble birth in a Bethlehem stable to the Roman centurion's poignant declaration at the foot of the cross ("Truly this was the Son of God!"), we witness the profound impact Jesus had on those who encountered Him, evoking faith, doubt, fear, love, and ultimately, transformation.

The "I AM" Statements Throughout John's Gospel, Jesus makes a series of audacious declarations about His identity, most notably through the "I AM" statements. These pronouncements, echoing the divine name of God, Yahweh, revealed in the Old Testament encounter with Moses at the burning bush, unveil Jesus' true nature as God incarnate.
With phrases like:
"I AM the vine; you are the branches.""I AM the bread of life."
"I AM the door."
"I AM the good shepherd."
"I AM the way, and the truth, and the life."
"Before Abraham was, I AM."
Jesus, through His "I AM" statements, lays claim to an unparalleled authority and a divine essence that sets Him apart from all others. He declares Himself to be the ultimate source of spiritual nourishment, the radiant light that dispels darkness, and the sole path leading to truth and eternal life. These bold assertions, pregnant with theological depth, beckon believers to perceive Him not merely as a prophet or teacher, but as the very embodiment of God Himself, walking among humanity, offering a tangible connection to God. These declarations, along with His claim to be the Son of Man and His authority to forgive sins, clearly establish Jesus' divinity.
A Chorus of Witness The Apostles, a chorus of voices echoing through the New Testament, provides compelling evidence of Jesus' identity from those who walked with Him and witnessed His resurrection firsthand.
Paul, in his epistles, eloquently articulates the profound doctrine of atonement, emphasizing Christ's sacrificial death on the cross as the ultimate act of reconciliation, bridging the chasm between humanity and God. He underscores Christ's pivotal role as Mediator, the divine bridge spanning the gulf between heaven and earth, and as Savior, offering the priceless gifts of redemption and forgiveness to all who embrace Him in faith.
Meanwhile, Peter, John, and the author of Hebrews, in their own inspired writings, resoundingly affirm Christ's supremacy over all created beings, including angels, Moses, and the Old Testament priesthood. They highlight His inherent divinity, His pre-existence as the eternal Word that was with God in the beginning, and His singular role in the grand narrative of salvation history as the ultimate and final revelation of God's love and purpose for humanity.
Jesus in the Old Testament The Old Testament, a rich tapestry of stories, prophecies, and symbols, is interwoven with foreshadowing of Jesus, subtly and overtly pointing towards His eventual coming as the Messiah.
The Tabernacle: This portable sanctuary, meticulously designed according to God's instructions, symbolizes Jesus as the dwelling place of God among His people. Just as the Shekinah glory resided within the Holy of Holies, God's presence dwells in believers through the indwelling Spirit of Christ.
The Sacrificial System: The elaborate rituals and offerings prescribed in the Law, with their constant shedding of blood for the atonement of sin, foreshadow Jesus as the ultimate and perfect sacrifice, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Historical Figures: Key figures in Israel's history, such as King David, serve as "types" and "shadows" of Christ. David, the shepherd-king who established God's kingdom on earth, prefigures Jesus, the Good Shepherd and King of kings who establishes God's eternal kingdom.
Prophecies: The Old Testament prophets, especially Isaiah, foretell Christ's suffering, death, and resurrection with remarkable detail. Isaiah 53, often called the "Suffering Servant" passage, paints a vivid picture of Christ's atoning work on the cross, centuries before its fulfillment.
Conclusion: The Real Jesus
The Bible paints a comprehensive portrait of Jesus, revealing Him as the unique God-Man, the Savior of the world. He is fully divine, sharing the very nature of God, and yet fully human, experiencing the joys and sorrows of earthly life. He is the Lion of Judah, the conquering King, and the Lamb of God, the sacrificial offering for our sins.
Rejecting the distorted images and embracing the biblical Jesus is essential for salvation. A false Christ, a Christ of human invention, cannot save. Only the real Jesus, as revealed in Scripture, has the power to redeem and transform lives.
Practical Steps to Know and Learn More About Jesus
Read the Bible: Immerse yourself in the Gospels and the rest of Scripture to encounter Jesus through the eyes of those who knew Him.
Pray: Talk to Jesus. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.
Join a Bible-believing church: Connect with other believers who can encourage you in your faith and help you grow in your understanding of Jesus.
Study the life of Christ: Explore resources like commentaries, books, and online articles to deepen your knowledge of Jesus' life and teachings.
Share your faith: Tell others about the real Jesus and the hope you have found in Him.
By taking these steps, you can embark on a lifelong journey of discovering the real Jesus and experiencing the transformative power of His love and grace.
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